Become a Partner

Resilient Faith subscribes to a “Partner” Portfolio instead of membership.  Our focus is outward and not inward.  Our goal is to connect people to God and make credible online training and resources available and accessible to all who feel the Call of God on their lives.

Resilient faith is not an initiative of a church or religious organisation.  It is the collective vision of mission-driven, like-minded people who are more interested in connecting others  to God than be known for their contributions.  The identities of our partners are therefore, strictly confidential.

Our partners are more interested in having people ‘grounded’ in faith.   Our partners are committed to effectiveness.  We are not event-driven but believe that a Resilient faith should be a life-style.  

Our partners are financially and emotionally invested in Resilient Faith – in other words: their hearts and means are in it – we want to invest the financial resources of God entrusted to us into the lives of people, that He died for, instead of buildings, once-off-events and Religious showmanship.  We are faithful Stewards who look forward to the soon return of Christ … who don’t want to give our money but Invest our money: that is good stewardship.

Our ROI (Return on Investment) is long-term and will be realised when Christ returns to redeem those who accepted Him as Personal Saviour.  We are glad to be part of that Hope.   

Your partnership is an investment into the lives for whom Christ died and will be reached through Resilient Faith. Resilient Faith is only a Means to an End: Leading people into a personal relationship with Christ.  A Partnership with Resilient Faith is a Partnership with God to draw His children to Himself – in this modern, high-tech, Internet age.

Become a partner today … 

Resilient Faith allows you to become a partner and be part of the movement to change peoples’ lives forever. 

Click here to get in touch with us.