Leandra Macy Charles is a student in the Bachelor of Medical Science & Doctor of Medicine (Joint Program) at The University of Newcastle, Australia. She is the Lead-author of the book: Resilient Learning: Pursuing Academic Excellence.

Her vision is straightforward: 100% Matric Pass rate.  She has designed Resilient Learning with her dad so that when embraced, every learner can pass with excellence and qualify for university entrance or pursue entrepreneurial interests without any prejudice or limitations.   

“I believe that 100% Matric pass rate is possible & can be realised sooner than we think.  Anyone can say that they believe but only those who act on that belief really believes. I have acted on that conviction”.  

Leandra has been to eight different schools in different provinces in South Africa and still matriculated with six distinctions.

Her own words are: “I experienced failure, disappointment and cried many tears of sorrow but still I passed with excellence, not because I am a genius or endowed with an innate leaning towards academia but I was blessed to live out the principles of Resilient Learning. In December 2016, immediately after I passed Matric, I was inspired, with my dad, to write the book: “Resilient Learning: Pursuing Academic Excellence” which has been endorsed by the CEO of UMALUSI, Dr Mafu Rakometsi. (Resilient Learning) can be the story of every Learner in South Africa and beyond its borders. And if it can transform a below-average student into an “A” student in high school, I am confident that it can do the same for any Learner.”