Enrolment Terms & Conditions

Programme Fees:

  1. All programme fees displayed on Resilient Learning website (www.resilientlearning.co.za) are VAT inclusive.
  2. International and/or non-resident students/consumers will not be exempted from the total VAT inclusive programme fee.
  3. If payment fails via Debit Order an R100.00 (One Hundred Rand) administration fee will be charged to your account in addition to the fee charged by the bank/s in respect of such reversal.
  4. Errors and Omissions Excepted (E&OE) on the Resilient Learning website: any errors or omissions on our website, price listings, product descriptions, or other document may contain mistakes or may not include some details.
  5. The fees and other charges reflected on the TAX invoice do not include external institute membership fees, external university fees, examination fees (such as SABPP and VUE), notes, books, stationery or other items, which shall be for the account of the student/consumer.

Online Programme

Registration by a student shall be for the entire period/duration of the course registered. If the consumer or the student (where the consumer is not also the student) registered in an academic year wishes to cancel their enrolment for that year, the following conditions shall apply.

Full-Time/Part-Time Studies

  1. Complete a cancellation form.
  2. One-year Programs and Other Programs

A consumer or the student may cancel his/her enrolment for the current academic year of study as a whole and shall be exonerated from liability for the tuition fees and default administration charge of R 100.00 (One Hundred Rand VAT inclusive) which Resilient Learning will be entitled to levy) provided that Resilient Learning is informed in writing no later than 14 (fourteen) working days from registration for a course and with written confirmation of receipt of such cancellation having been furnished by Resilient Learning. Should the student/consumer wish to cancel such registration and such cancellation is within the fourteen (14) working day notice period required in terms of this contract then the student/consumer shall not be liable to pay any costs to Resilient Learning, which the student/consumer hereby agrees to, by his/her agreement of the terms and conditions hereto. However, if the student/consumer wishes to cancel outside the fourteen (14) working day notice period, the student/consumer will be liable to pay an administration cost of R100.00 (One Hundred Rand VAT inclusive) for cancellation of all short learning programmes and full-time programmes. A student/consumer that has agreed registration upon a full-time or international certification programme will be liable to pay a cost of 80% (eighty percent) of the annual fees change, which the student/consumer hereby agrees to, by his/her agreement of the terms and conditions hereto. All cancellations are subject to approval by the Resilient Learning cancellation committee and on such terms and conditions as it may determine. All part-time students are allowed to cancel any course after commencement and there will be no refund after the notice period stated above.

South African Students:

No consensual or other cancellation of this contract shall be of any force or effect without the written consent thereto by an authorised director or authorised official of Resilient Learning. The student/consumer is hereby informed that no verbal agreements by any person shall be of force and effect unless the student/consumer has such cancellation confirmed in writing from the Resilient Learning Cancellation Committee. The student by his/her signature hereto is made aware of the provisions of this clause and hereby acknowledges acceptance thereof. Refunds will take a minimum of 90 (ninety) working days to be paid, from date of approval by the cancellation committee. By his/her signature hereto the persons responsible or standing surety for the payment of fees and/or any amounts due under and/or in terms hereof hereby irrevocably authorises Resilient Learning to perform such ITC credit checks as it may in its sole discretion determine with any recognised credit bureau or the like. No person shall be entitled to claim a refund in the event that a course had commenced and has been effective for more than a period of 2 (two) weeks.

International and/or non-resident Students:

No consensual or other cancellation of this contract shall be of any force or effect without the written consent thereto by an authorised director or authorised official of Resilient Learning. The student/consumer is hereby informed that no verbal agreements by any person shall be of force and effect unless the student/consumer has such cancellation confirmed in writing from the Resilient Learning Cancellation Committee. The student/consumer to provide:

  1. A TAX invoice
  2. Proof of Payment
  3. Written confirmation from the recipient that it is not a resident of the Republic of South Africa
  4. A statement from the non-resident that the non-resident is not present in the Republic at the time the services are rendered.

The student by his/her signature hereto is made aware of the provisions of this clause and hereby acknowledges acceptance thereof. Refunds will take a minimum of 90 (ninety) working days to be paid, from date of approval by the cancellation committee. By his/her signature hereto the persons responsible or standing surety for the payment of fees and/or any amounts due under and/or in terms hereof hereby irrevocably authorises Resilient Learning to perform such ITC credit checks as it may in its sole discretion determine with any recognised credit bureau or the like. No person shall be entitled to claim a refund in the event that a course had commenced and has been effective for more than a period of 2 (two) weeks.

Enrolment Contract

  1. All Resilient Learning Registration and enrolments are bound by telephonic Agreement of this contract between the Sales Consultant and the consumer or student. The student may request the telephonic Agreement of contract from Resilient Learning. The consumer or student may request the Telephonic Agreement of Contract from customercare@resilientlearning.co.za
  2. Resilient Learning accepts continuous enrolments and fixed semester programme enrolments. Once a student has commenced the course registered for s/he may not cancel this agreement except as provided for herein. Students are afforded three (3) months within which they must complete the course registered for unless otherwise stipulated. National Diploma students will be governed by the accrediting bodies’ terms and conditions. This is indicated on the downloadable information packs.
  3. The full fee is payable after 2 (two) non-payment of debit orders. Should any payment not be made for a period of 2 (two) consecutive months then the student and/or the person responsible for payment hereby agree and acknowledge that such student will be suspended from receiving any tuition material and/or tuition until such time as satisfactory arrangements have been made with Resilient Learning that deemed acceptable to Resilient Learning.
  4. By his/her/their signature to the enrolment form the signatory/signatories authorise/s Resilient Learning to enquire from the employers of the person responsible for payment and including the student and/or surety, the complete details of the salary of such person including the date on which the salary is paid and the amount.
  5. The student/consumer by his/her signature to the enrolment form hereby acknowledges that he/she has read and agrees to abide by all the rules and regulations of any campus that he/she attends and acknowledges that he/she can be disciplined in terms thereof. The student/consumer further acknowledges that right of admission to any of Resilient Learning campuses is strictly reserved and Resilient Learning may, at its own discretion refuse admittance to any student and/or consumer.
  6. Any amounts that are due under and/or in terms hereof shall be deducted on the salary date of the person who is responsible for payment.
  7. Should for any reason whatsoever a debit order be returned unpaid, then the person responsible for such payment hereby irrevocably authorises Resilient Learning to debit his/her account with the amount due on any date as Resilient Learning may choose and/or to double debit his/her account with the amounts due at the next salary date.
  8. Resilient Learning shall have the right in its sole discretion, to postpone or cancel tuition in any programme initially advertised and offered, on the basis of insufficient demand. Resilient Learning shall be entitled to combine classes of a similar academic level and content.
  9. In the event of the signatories to this contract agreement, having completed the enrolment form incorrectly and/or having signed an incorrectly completed form, or the payment details therein not being in accordance with the requirements of Resilient Learning, Resilient Learning shall be entitled to reject the student’s application or to require the student to complete a new application. Resilient Learning may not be held responsible for such errors or consequences hereof.
  10. Any student/consumer (where the consumer is not the student) who receives a promotional item as a result of his/her enrolment contract, hereby acknowledges that Resilient Learningis not responsible for any repairs, service issues, warranties or performance in relation thereto. These must be referred to the promotional item manufacturer, service provider, network or agent(s) thereof, as the case may be, as well as the terms and conditions on this website.
  11. Enrolment Contract Accompanying Documentation

On the Agreement of this Enrolment Contract

The student/consumer will be liable to provide:

  1. A certified copy of the student’s valid identification book or card (if a South African citizen);
  2. Certified copies of student’s study permit and valid Passport book or card (if not a non-resident or International student);
  3. Where applicable, certified copy of National Senior Certification Matriculation (Grade 12) Certificate, or symbols, or School Leaver’s Certificate. If the student is awaiting matriculation results, these must be furnished as soon as they become available; and in any event prior to commencement of the course registered for.
  4. Original and certified copies of Academic Record and Certificate of Good Conduct should the student be transferring from another tertiary education institution or examining body to Resilient Learning.
  5. Original and certified copies of Confirmation of Institute Enrolment where applicable.
  6. If a payment option other than full settlement is selected, the student/company/guarantor/surety must submit:
  7. Proof of income, being in respect of permanently employed persons
  8. The original and certified copies of the 3 (three) most recent salary advice or 3 (three) months’ bank statements for self-employed persons
  9. Proof of residence of account payer
  10. Supporting documentation, should the student require additional time for examinations. The student/consumer (where the consumer is not also the student) acknowledges that this agreement shall only come into force once the enrolment form is duly completed, the correct documentation is attached and an invoice is issued to the student upon payment of the required registration fee and minimum required deposit.

Registered Student Examination:

  1. The right to write exams is not transferable. Accordingly, the student the only person entitled to write examinations in respect of the subjects forming part of the Resilient Learning programme for which the student has enrolled. Under no circumstances will ANY STUDENT be permitted to write exams if any course fees are outstanding and the full fees and other amounts due under this contract are not paid in full prior to such examinations.
  2. Where applicable a course/programme that requires a registration fee for examinations or assessment, the registration fee paid in terms hereof is non-refundable (applicable to non-resident. Should a student fail examination, Resilient Learning shall at its own discretion offer to the student an alternative, if the student qualifies for any alternative.
  3. The student/consumer (where the consumer is not also the student) is responsible for ensuring that he/she has been properly registered with any relevant external institute or examining body, where applicable, and that he/she or the student/consumer (where the consumer is not also the student) must ensure that confirmation of being registered for examinations is received from such institute or body and that all relevant fees have been paid by the student/consumer.

Programme Syllabus Delivery

  1. The student/consumer (where the consumer is not the student) accepts that Resilient Learning shall have the right to vary the programme syllabus at any time, without prior notification and without furnishing reasons therefor. Resilient Learning shall further have the right to alter timetables and programme commencement dates at its own discretion, on written notice to the student/consumer. The student/consumer hereby acknowledges and accepts that Resilient Learning shall have the right at all times to vary the terms and conditions hereof. Resilient Learning shall post such alterations and/or additions and/or variations on this website (www.resilientlearning.co.za) as soon as is practical in the circumstances, and the student’s attention is drawn to the provisions hereof and the student/consumer undertakes to visit this website regularly to ensure that the student/consumer is fully informed of such.
  2. Resilient Learning will be entitled to create and apply rules (including due performance requirements) and the student hereby agrees to be bound by such rules. Resilient Learning shall be entitled to exclude the student from lectures and examinations (without in any way detracting from the right of Resilient Learning to recover fees payable), and to withhold a student’s results (or the student’s examination results) should the student or the consumer, as the case may be, fail to comply with any of the terms of this agreement.
  3. The student accepts, as stipulated in the Resilient Learning Assessment Policy (which shall be deemed to form part of this agreement) that as part of the assessment of the programme, the student must fulfil certain academic requirements, which may include (but are not limited to) the completion and/or sign-off of a Portfolio of Evidence or other forms of assessments. The student understands that submission of any academic work should be the intellectual work of the student. Should submission of any academic work not be that of the student, it will constitute fraud, which may result in the expulsion of the student.
  4. The cost of an assignment remark is R 350.00 (VAT inclusive) per assignment and must be requested in writing from support@resilientlearning.co.za. A remark will be at the sole discretion of the Academic Manager.
  5. The student/consumer shall be liable for all costs incurred by Resilient Learning, including, but not limited to attorney and client fees, collection charges and tracing charges in enforcing the obligations of the student under this agreement, to the maximum extent permitted by the National Credit Regulator.
  6. In the case of an extraordinary event or circumstance beyond the control of the parties herein, such as war, strike, riot, crime, act of God (e.g. earthquake, volcano), Resilient Learning will be entitled to suspend lectures and temporarily close any campuses affected thereby. The student/consumer (where the consumer is not also the student) shall not by reason of such suspension or closure be entitled to terminate this agreement or claim a refund, fees paid or a reduction on fees payable or any compensation from Resilient Learning.
  7. No relaxation, variation, or indulgence granted by Resilient Learning to the student/consumer (where the consumer is not also the student) shall constitute a waiver of any rights vesting in Resilient Learning in terms hereof, and no reliance may be placed by the customer or signatory to the enrolment form or any statement or representation (whether oral, tacit or otherwise) not contained therein. Neither shall such indulgence granted operate as an estoppel against Resilient Learning.
  8. All correspondence must be by way of registered mail, telefax or by hand delivery to Resilient Learning’s premises. All correspondence must be received and signed for by Resilient Learning prior to the applicable cut-off date as stated in the enrolment form. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that he/she obtains confirmation in writing from Resilient Learning on receipt of any documentation.
  9. Where Resilient Learning offers courses on behalf of any other institution, the accreditation for such course lies with the institution on whose behalf Resilient Learning offers the course.
  10. Resilient Learning will not issue any student with a certificate/diploma/award if any outstanding amount is not paid by the student. The student/consumer by their signature to the enrolment form, hereby specifically agrees to the same.

Transfer Procedure

Transfer from One Resilient Learning Programme to Another:

  1. A full ‘Transfer Policy’ document will be made available to the consumer on request and forms part of the contract of enrolment once completed.
  2. Full-time/Part-time Students

A consumer/student who wishes to transfer his/her enrolment (or the enrolment of the student, where the consumer is not also the student) from one Resilient Learning Programme to another, in the same academic year and/or quarter (whichever is applicable), may apply for permission to do so from Resilient Learning within five (5) days from registration. Where the fees in respect of the programmes differ, the transfer shall be subject to a new credit application by the student/consumer and Resilient Learning’s approval of the credit application and the transfer. In all such cases, the fee payable will be that of the programme carrying the higher fee, even if that happens to be the Programme from which he/she is transferring. In addition to the higher tuition fee, the student/consumer will be charged the value of the notes/books for the Programme from which he/she or the student, as the case may be is transferring, as well as those required for the Programme to which he/she or the student is transferring. In the case of a student/consumer transferring from any full-time computer Programme to another, the consumer will additionally be charged a default administration fee in respect of computer and software costs. A transfer is subject to there being space in the said course chosen to accommodate the student in addition to the student qualifying for transfer to such course chosen.

Deferral of Programmes

All students/consumers wishing to defer their studies (or the studies of the student, where the consumer is also not the student), or part thereof, may make an application in writing to Resilient Learning within 14 (fourteen) days of the start of the course whereupon flexible study options may be considered at the sole discretion of Resilient Learning. A deferral charge of 30% (thirty percent) of the original cost of the Programme to be deferred will be levied against the consumer as precondition to Resilient Learning approving the application for the deferral. A full ‘Deferral Policy’ document will be made available to the student and forms part of the contract of enrolment once completed.

Legal Declaration and Indemnity

Neither Resilient Learning nor any official employee or representative of Resilient Learning acting in his/her capacity as such shall be liable for any damages arising out of:

  1. The death, bodily harm, loss of health or illness of any customer caused; and
  2. The destruction of and/or damage and/or loss and/or theft of any property owned by or in the custody of any customer, howsoever caused.
  3. The student/consumer hereby indemnifies Resilient Learning against any claim made (whether for damages, costs, or otherwise) against Resilient Learning in respect of any action and/or omission of the student and/or the consumer (where the consumer is not also the student).
  4. The student by his/her signature to the enrolment form hereby confirms that he/she is fully aware of the type of course and/or programme enrolled for and that it is his/her responsibility to make himself/herself aware of the types of courses and that he/she has fully understood the course that he/she registers for and is indeed the course that he/she wants to register for and that no representations have been made other than those contained in the official brochure. The student/consumer hereby indemnifies Resilient Learning against any claim they may have. The student is further aware of the factsheet in respect of the programme/course enrolled and confirms that it accurately reflects the qualification to be conferred and the type of programme/course registered for.

Protection of Personal Information

The Parties acknowledge their respective obligations to comply with the substantive provisions of the Protection of Personal Information Act, 4 of 2013 (hereinafter referred to as ‘POPI’).

  1. The personal information received shall not be further processed or disclosed without the consent of the disclosing party.
  2. The student/consumer hereby authorises Resilient Learning or any other authorised member of the management team to use, review and process any personal information provided to Resilient Learning and to use same in the manner that Resilient Learning sees fit.
  3. The persons signing the enrolment form acknowledge that they know and understand their right to privacy and to have their personal information processed in accordance with the conditions for the lawful processing of their personal information, and hereby give their consent to Resilient Learning to collect, process and distribute relevant personal information where Resilient Learning is legally required, and/or obliged to do so. They also consent to any third-party service providers to have access to their personal information and consent to Resilient Learning sharing same.
  4. The persons signing the enrolment form confirm and acknowledge that they are aware that the information that they have provided may be transmitted to persons, companies, subsidiaries, affiliates and third parties outside of the borders of South Africa and hereby consent in terms of section 72 of POPI to such transmission and use by Resilient Learning.
  5. In the event of a cross border transmission of information, will take all reasonable steps to ensure that the data is transmitted securely.

Student Support

  1. Online Course Lecturers (OCLs) are available to students during Monday to Friday 08h00 to 16h30 excluding weekends and public holidays.
  2. The OCLs are available through the learner management system which can be accessed by logging into the system with the provided login credentials only.

Address for Service and Receiving of Documents (Chosen Domicilium)

Resilient Learning and the student/consumer (where the consumer is not also the student) respectively choose as their domicilium addresses for the service of legal documents the addresses listed on the front page of the enrolment form. Any party to the agreement between Resilient Learning and the student/ guarantor/parent may change its address by delivering to the other party a written notice of the new address in the manner specified in the National Credit Act, and any delivery made or attempted at such domicilium address chosen by the student shall be proof of completion of Resilient Learning’s obligation with regard to any study material due to the student. The student/consumer warrants that such address at which delivery of all material and/or study notes, etc. is to be affected and indemnifies Resilient Learning against any claim for delivery of student materials, should Resilient Learning be able to show attempted delivery.

Entire Contract

The terms and conditions contained herein as well as the terms contained on the Enrolment Form shall be the entire contract between the student/consumer and no alteration and/or any verbal representation and/or variation or amendment will be of any force and effect unless such is reduced to in writing and hand signed by all parties hereto. Electronic communication such as email etc. shall not be construed as being written agreements between the parties and are specifically excluded as is electronic signatures as being valid for this purpose.

Marketing – Terms and Conditions


  1. Are issued at our sole discretion. Students do not have an automatic right to vouchers and same cannot be earned.
  2. Are non-transferrable, unless otherwise stated, and may not be exchanged for cash
  3. May not be used in conjunction with any other reward (promotional offer), voucher, giveaways or discount.
  4. Only one may be used per course. You may not accumulate or use vouchers on multiple courses.
  5. Cannot be used to pay an outstanding account
  6. Cannot be replaced if it has expired, AND ARE ONLY VALID FOR A PERIOD OF 12 MONTHS FROM DATE OF ISSUE
  7. We reserve the right to cancel a voucher at any time after it is issued.

Campaigns/Promotional offers:

  1. Participants under 18 years old must have proof that they have obtained written approval from their parent(s) for participation in the promotional offer/competition.
  2. Staff, relatives, cohabiting partners or immediate family members of ______and/or their subsidiaries and/or affiliates, are excluded from participation.
  3. Special offers, giveaways, discounts, benefits, additional value, or any other promotion offered by any means, hereinafter referred to as a “promotion”, whether it be a digital, print, radio, television, mobile, telephonic, or any other means of communication, are offered and subject to management discretion and may be cancelled at any time, prior to the promotion end date, or extended at managements sole discretion.
  4. The promotional offer is not transferable, exchangeable or payable in cash.
  5. Not more than one promotion may be applied per course enrolment, or per student.
  6. The commencement and termination dates of promotions may be amended at any stage.
  7. Resilient Learning reserve the right to disqualify students if it is believed that the students are not conforming to the specified T&C’s or otherwise fraudulently accessing/unfairly influencing the outcome of the promotional offer.
  8. Resilient Learning is entitled to, at its discretion and without notice, amend or modify these T&C’s which are specific to the competitions/promotional offer. The student agrees and acknowledges that Resilient Learning is not obliged to provide the student with reason for the discontinuation, modification or adaption of the competition or special promotional rules and/or offer. Resilient Learning shall not be liable for any loss or damage which the student may suffer as a result thereof.
  9. Promotional offers are only available in South Africa unless otherwise stated.
  10. Promotions may require fulfilment by a specified third-party supplier. Should you be unable to make use of this supplier’s services, due to any reason, you will forfeit the promotion.
  11. You may not exchange or substitute one promotion for another.
  12. The Student hereby acknowledges and accepts that Resilient Learning shall always have the right to vary the terms and conditions hereof. Resilient Learning shall post such variations and /or alterations and or additions as soon as is practical in the circumstances and the student undertakes to visit such website regularly to ensure that s/he is fully informed of same.
  13. If Resilient Learning finds that there has been an abuse of the process, the student shall immediately forfeit any benefit obtained during the subsistence of the promotion. In such circumstances, Resilient Learning /City Varsity reserves its right to claim any loss or damage which it may have suffered as a result of the aforementioned. Any and all discounts are reflected in ZAR South African rand) and   any payments made may be subject to currency fluctuations.
  14. Any promotional offers made to students or prospective students may be declined at our sole discretion without providing reasons therefor.
  15. Resilient Learning shall not be liable for any loss or damage suffered as a result of promotions advertised outside of the promotion period, or if no longer active.

Data Promotions:

  1. Data will be loaded to a single number provided by the enrolled student from the following services providers _____________and cannot be transferred if the student changes his/her cellular phone number
  2. Data will be available within 48 hours after we have received your cash deposit or full payment. A failure to pay the full amount of fees owing for the year of study will result in your forfeiting the benefit received in terms of this promotion. For the avoidance of doubt, it is hereby recorded that should we have not received the full payment of the fees for the year of study, the data amount will be charged to your student account.
  3. The data campaign will only be valid for students residing within South Africa and who have a verified South African cellular phone number.
  4. The data is subject to a maximum of 1 GB on registration. Any data usage which is in excess of the stipulated amount shall be for the account of the student.
  5. The data is not transferable for cash or to another service provider
  6. All campaigns will have a fixed commencement and end date
  7. Where the services of a 3rd Party supplier is required for fulfillment of the obligations in terms of this promotion, the student agrees to sign and/or abide by any terms and conditions which may be required by the third-party service provider.
  8. Resilient Learning shall not be held responsible for any loss or damage which may be caused as a result of these terms and conditions.
  9. Any data not utilized by the end of the expiry period shall be forfeited.
  10. The Student shall have no claim against Resilient Learning for any errors on the part of the Network Provider.