Henry T Blackaby hit the nail on the head in his book: Spiritual Leadership: “God is still bypassing the elite.” The proud intellectual giants who are proud are still bypassed, and He is looking for clay pots who are willing to carry the precious treasure of life-saving truth with a humble heart. By using weak, fragile, feeble and common people like you and I, the point is clearly made that the power is His, not ours.
Think about how Jesus bypassed the influential intellectuals of His day. The scholars of Alexandria, philosophers of Athens, the powerful political leaders of Rome and the scrupulous rabbis around Jerusalem and called the simple, callous, crude, unpopular, uneducated and common fisherman from Galilee to be his disciples. The lesson is clear: even the talented, educated, and notable of this world need to be humble, like a simple clay pot, in order to be used. God delights in choosing the outcasts, despised, foolish and shameful, whom society would say is good for nothing.
God delights in choosing and using people like you – and me.

God Does not Call the Qualified – He Qualifies the Called – Part Two. By Paul Charles
Posted on by Paul Charles